Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Project Development Update


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1.Sunday/Monday - The fusion of both the bay being blown out and keeping the bay completely intact.  You can see the two options I had been playing with in the previous posts.  I had always been torn between the two.  I liked the tightness of leaving the adjacent bay in place, but the opening of the bay also gave views of the curtain facade.  I felt like opening up the bay almost exposed the curtain too much, and produce a visual effect where I was aiming for an experiential effect from being in the cramped space walking along the wall.  I'm not sure if the hybrid idea achieves what I am looking for in the design but its a step forward instead of being at a standstill with only 9 days left till the project is due.

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2. Saturday - Developing the Artist's Living Area.  The area overgrew the space I had planned and is now going to take up the rooftop area of both the 300 and 125 person theater. Using the elevation differences I placed the Artist's private sleeping/ work/ bathroom blocks between the two theaters, cantilevering over the space that will accommodate a group kitchen, dining area, lounge and a small theater for the artists to have of their own.  To the opposite of the private boxes will be an outdoor area that will be enclosed by the existing brick walls in a similar format as the existing tobacco building.  Lastly, the entrance to the private spaces will be from underneath.  This is something seems to make its way into several of my designs over the past two years.  I wonder if I will have the same unconscious desire after finally visiting a space that has an entrance like this.

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3. Tuesday AM - Developing the stairway to the basement level and underground connection to the park.  This quickly became an interesting form that could become the third auditorium, extruded vertically for the fire stairs or the top could be sliced back off to become a ceiling for the descent of the stairs to the basement.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Controlling Time

I discovered that Lucky Charms now includes marshmallows with time control. Sorry bro, I picked them all out of the box.
9 Days till Project is Due
25 Days till Project is Due

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Site Flyover

These are just a couple quick (but took way too long to render) videos to see the whole site before I begin the final design of it.

Site Analysis from Tyler Selby on Vimeo.

Site + Gap in Building from Tyler Selby on Vimeo.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sun Analysis

In these two videos I am looking at the way the building will shade the park area. This will affect how i develop the use of the park and how it interacts with the building.

Film Center Project - Sun Analysis 1 from Tyler Selby on Vimeo.

Film Center Project - Sun Analysis 2 w Gap from Tyler Selby on Vimeo.

The Moment

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Timber Stats


Our project is set inside an old warehouse in Dumbo, NY.  This warehouse uses Timber construction which I plan on reusing in my project.  Using a very poor photo from when I visited the site I did a study last night of the existing interior construction.  This lead to a break down of how much timber is possibly available.

A total of 4 different types of timber are used in building.  A post, 2 beams, and the final decking.

One Module dividing the whole bay using the column grid.

AutoSave_making a model 6-3-2-aftermodel- working with site2

This model is a mess, but you can see how the floors operate.

2 AutoSave_making a model 6-3-2-aftermodel- working with site3

Timber Piece Size Quantity (bay 3 only) Total Linear Ft Use
(4 Stories Tall)
Post 1’x1’x11’ 298 2,980 ft 4 Floors
Primary Beam 1’x1.5’x11.5’ 298 3,427 ft 3 Floors + Roof
Secondary Beam 4”x12”x18.75’ 3975 74,531 ft 3 Floors + Roof
Deck 4”x14”x11.5’ 5088 58,512 ft 3 Floors

*The ground floor uses the ground instead of timber and the roof uses thinner decking.

Its been along time.

It has been a couple months since I posted anything, but I am going to start back up again as a way to record the last couple of weeks of my studio project.  With the stress and lack of sleep I am going to see if the blog can manage to remember and represent the output.  I will fill in the major details on the project as I have time but I will post a completed process book at the end also.  So here it begins…..